111 Powerful Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations for Confidence

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Some of the most common challenges we face universally as humans can often be put down to energetic blocks within ourselves.

In fact, did you know that if you’re lacking confidence in your abilities and feel unable to go after your biggest dreams and desires, you may be in need of some solar plexus chakra healing?!  

But, luckily, a simple yet powerful way to heal this chakra is to use solar plexus affirmations.

Solar plexus chakra affirmations are affirmations that are designed to clear blockages in the solar plexus chakra through energetic alignment.

By using them you can overcome common issues with this chakra such as a lack of purpose, low motivation and feelings of uncertainty in your life.

And the good news is that they’re such a simple tool to use. I’ve been using chakra healing affirmations to return to balance since 2017, and I’ve found that they’re one of the easiest tools in my arsenal to turn to when my energetics are off.

In this post I’ve compiled some of my favourite affirmations for solar plexus chakra healing, that target some of the key themes of this chakra. So keep reading to find out the best affirmations to use to open and unblock your third chakra, the solar plexus!

111 powerful solar plexus affirmations to follow your purpose

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What are chakras?

Before we get onto our solar plexus chakra affirmations… what are chakras?

Chakra is a word that comes from the ancient Sanskrit language which roughly translates to “wheel”. In Hindu and yogic tradition, chakras refer to energy centres in the body which are depicted as spinning discs of energy, hence the translation.

There are actually seven of these energy centres and each chakra has its own energetic focus. When the energy centre is open and flowing, this area of your life will be in harmony.

However, when a chakra becomes “blocked”, this can result in energetic symptoms and disharmony in your life.

Therefore we look to open and heal these energetic centres in order to live in balance and free from dis-ease. One of the ways that we can do this is by using chakra healing affirmations.

seven chakras printable poster

Solar Plexus Chakra Meaning and Location

The solar plexus chakra is the third chakra in our primary chakra system, and is represented by the colour yellow. 

This chakra is positioned around the upper abdominal area and is associated with our own personal power, decision making and confidence.

In this way, it could be considered the chakra of personal growth

When we have an open and balanced solar plexus chakra, we can make effortless decisions and feel confident in our own judgment of ourselves and the world around us.

We have a clear sense of purpose and direction and feel motivated to achieve our goals.

But of course, this won’t be the case if the chakra is blocked.

Symptoms of Solar Plexus Chakra Blockage

A solar plexus chakra blockage can result in problems in the areas of our lives associated with this chakra.

Whether underactive or overactive, a blockage can result in the following signs and symptoms:

  • A need for excessive control over your environment and other people
  • Being obsessive over small details
  • Misusing your power
  • Being manipulative
  • Feeling helpless and like your life is out of your control
  • A lack of purpose, direction or ambition
  • Having lots of ideas but not plans to put them into action

If you notice any of these patterns in your own life then you could benefit from using solar plexus chakra affirmations to clear this energy centre.

However, it’s important to note that some of these symptoms can also be suggestive of mental health difficulties. Energy work is not a replacement for mental heal support, and if you’re struggling you should always speak to a professional.

woman with yellow flower in pocket

Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations for Healing

If you’ve identified “symptoms” of a solar plexus chakra blockage or imbalance then you’re in the right place. In fact, affirmations are one of my favourite ways to open a chakra blockage.

Solar plexus affirmations can be used to help you better align your energy and clear the energetic blocks that are affecting this energy centre.

Try repeating solar plexus chakra affirmations out loud or in your mind space daily, or incorporating them into your meditations

And, if you’re working with the law of attraction, you can also try combining them with manifestation practices like the 5×55 method and the mirror method to increase their power even further!

So with that being said, here are some of my favourite solar plexus chakra affirmations to unblock the third chakra and develop your purpose!

  1. My solar plexus chakra is a source of personal power and strength
  2. I forgive myself for past mistakes and I grow from them
  3. I release the need to control
  4. I release myself from the past
  5. I am worthy of the life I say I want
  6. I always show up as my authentic self
  7. I feel calm, confident, and powerful
  8. The only thing I need to control is how I respond to situations
  9. I can create positive change in my life
  10. I am worthy of success
  11. I radiate confidence and positivity from my solar plexus
  12. My solar plexus chakra is balanced, and I release any past wounds and limitations, allowing my solar plexus energy to flow freely
  13. I shine with confidence and self-esteem
  14. I release fear and self-doubt, embracing my true self
  15. I am the architect of my own destiny
  16. I release self-limiting beliefs and embrace my full potential
  17. I trust the journey of my life and the lessons it brings
  18. I am empowered to set and achieve my goals with determination
  19. My solar plexus chakra is balanced, and I am in perfect alignment
  20. I am confident, powerful, and in control of my destiny
  21. My solar plexus is radiating powerful golden yellow light
  22. I am restoring balance to my solar plexus chakra
  23. I embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and self-discovery

Related post:How to Unblock Chakras with Crystals​​​

yellow golden sunlight

Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations for Confidence

  1. I give myself permission to be my authentic self
  2. I accept myself unconditionally
  3. I am worthy and capable of achieving my dreams
  4. I am ambitious and capable of whatever I desire
  5. I choose inner peace and satisfaction daily
  6. I have high self esteem and believe I am valuable
  7. I am confident in the Universe to see me through
  8. I am confident in my ability to succeed
  9. Everything I need, I have within
  10. I have a lot to offer the world
  11. I know my value and I always stay true to myself
  12. I wholeheartedly believe in myself
  13. The only approval I need is my own
  14. I am enough, just as I am
  15. I confidently welcome new experiences
  16. I love the person I am, both inside and out
  17. I am perfect, whole, and complete
  18. I value myself
  19. I accept myself as I am, and release the need for approval
  20. My self-esteem grows stronger with each passing day
  21. I embrace my uniqueness and recognize my self-worth
  22. My confidence is unshakable, and I stand tall in my authenticity
  23. I love and accept myself unconditionally
  24. I exude confidence in every aspect of my life
  25. My self confidence is unwavering
  26. My self esteem is unshakable
  27. I am free from the need for external validation
  28. I release the need for perfection
  29. I am confident in who I am

Related post: 100 Self Love Affirmations to Build your Self Esteem

solar plexus affirmations for confidence and self esteem

Solar Plexus Affirmations for power and purpose

  1. I use my power for good
  2. I am motivated to pursue my true purpose
  3. I am comfortable with my power
  4. I am powerful
  5. I stand in my personal power
  6. I feel ready to face any challenge life throws at me
  7. I have the power to create the life that I want
  8. I am stronger than my fears
  9. I am ambitious and capable
  10. I am aligned with my purpose
  11. I can achieve anything I set my mind to
  12. I am fearless in the pursuit of what sets my soul on fire
  13. I am motivated, persistent, and successful
  14. I can accomplish incredible things
  15. I have the power to create the life I want
  16. There’s absolutely nothing out of my reach
  17. I can have everything I want in life
  18. Everything is possible for me
  19. I have everything I need to succeed
  20. What I want is coming to me
  21. I can overcome every obstacle that comes my way
  22. Every day I understand my purpose with greater clarity
  23. As I live my true purpose, joy and contentment fill my life
  24. I feel myself being drawn towards my highest purpose
  25. I own my power and recognise the strength inside me
  26. I am ready for the future with optimism and determination
  27. I live my life with purpose
  28. There is purpose in everything that I do
  29. I am unwavering in my commitment to my chosen path
  30. My inner fire burns brightly, driving me toward my goals
  31. I embrace my inner fire and passion, using them to fuel my ambitions
  32. My personal power is unwavering, and I channel it for good
  33. I stand in my power, owning my strengths and weaknesses

Related post: How to Find Your Divine Purpose (and Fulfil It)

solar plexus affirmations for personal power and purpose

Solar Plexus Affirmations for Decisiveness

  1. I make my own decisions with confidence and conviction
  2. I choose the best for myself, always
  3. I know exactly what I need to be my best self
  4. I make clear decisions with ease
  5. I always know the right path to take
  6. I can say no when something does not serve me or help me grow
  7. I am free to evolve and release anything that takes away from my growth
  8. I trust my inner wisdom to make the right decisions
  9. I am in control of my choices and decisions
  10. I trust myself to make choices that serve my highest good
  11. I trust my intuition to guide me in decision making
  12. I am strong and confident in my choices
  13. My inner strength empowers me to be decisive
  14. I make decisions that align with my true self
  15. I have the courage to make decisions that lead to success
  16. I trust my gut instincts when making decisions
  17. Decisiveness comes naturally to me
  18. I choose decisiveness as my way of being
  19. I release all doubt and confusion when making choices
  20. I am decisive in all aspects of my life
  21. I always make wise choices
  22. Decisiveness is a natural part of who I am
  23. I am confident in my decisions, knowing they are the right ones for me
  24. I am fearless in the face of uncertainty, making decisions with confidence
  25. My decisions guide me towards my goals and dreams
  26. I trust my inner guidance and intuition
solar plexus affirmations for making aligned decisions

And there you have it, those are some of my favourite affirmations for solar plexus chakra healing.

Try picking between 1-3 affirmations that align to start with and working with them consistently, remembering to tune into the energy behind the words.

As you begin to feel more open you can start to incorporate more solar plexus affirmations to truly capitalise on their benefits!

Let me know your favourite solar plexus chakra affirmations! Are there any you would add to this list?

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powerful solar plexus affirmations

Esther is the founder of Through the Phases, a wellbeing and healthy lifestyle blog dedicated to sharing mind/body/soul practices for self-exploration, healing, and fulfilment. She has a degree in Psychology, is yoga teacher trained (200hr), and is currently pursuing a Neuroscience MSc to further study the mind-body connection. Read more about her story here.

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